Some visual goodness for you!
I normally Buy one poster for every film i have worked on, and get the crew to sign it.... wonder which one I should get for Prince of Persia?
Adam Dewhirst tutorial - Facial modelling from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst tutorial - Head modelling from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst tutorial - Eye and mouth Modelling from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst Tutorial - Ear modelling from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst Tutorial - finishing the head - part 5 from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst Tutorial - Head modelling part 6: Props from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst Tutorial - Hair modelling - part 7 from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.
Adam Dewhirst Tutorial - Head modelling - part 8 - clean up from adam dewhirst on Vimeo.