Well, sadly there havent been many updates from me in a while. The reason for this, is that i've been on one project for the best of part of the last year and a half, so my updates on projects etc, have been rather limited.
That being said, i see no reason why i can't familiarise people with the project, and also offer you exciting news of a personal project i am working on, that i will be posting about in august! so stay stay tuned, because its coming soon!
Anyway, as the title of the post suggests, i am working on a filme called 'John Carter of Mars' can't really say too much about it, but it exists in book form, so i suggest you go out and buy it, there are 11 books in the series, written way back at the beginning of the 20th century, its old school sci-fi. Im working my way through them at the moment, but have only got up to book 7. They are pretty entertaining, i wouldnt go so far to say they are well written, its all pretty one sided, the hero always wins, get the girl and kills the bad guy, there is very little depth, but what can you expect from a science fiction novel from 1917?
anyway to clue you all in a bit im posting some of the book covers, that depict the rather colourful world of mars (or barsoom as it is refered to in the books). these covers were designed by Michael Whelan, who is an awesome fantasy artist, i bought his book after seeing these images, and i thoroughly encourage you to look him up! anyway, enjoy:
A Princess of Mars

The Gods of Mars

Warlord of Mars

Thuvia - Maid of Mars

The Chessmen of Mars

Mastermind of Mars

A Fighting man of Mars

Swords of Mars

Synthetic men of Mars

Llana of Gathol

and the image at the top is from 'John Carter of Mars' which is the last book in the series.