as usual, I have been terrible at updating my news section - really the whole site needs updating, but finally Disney have realised some decent screen shots of the John Carter of Mars, and behold a beautiful render of an airship! which I worked on.
In additon to which, there is a nice little review from Harry Knowles at ain't it cool news on these pics.
finally we come to the big write up....
disney screened about 20 minutes of the film to a select group of press and reviewers.....
you can check the first one here:
This sort of write up actually gets me excited about the movie and I worked on it! This may be the sort of film , that whilst your working on it, you become quite detached because it consumes so much of your life, for me it was over a year and half, i know plenty of people that worked on it for over 2 years...but maybe just maybe its going to be the massive blockbuster we all hoped it could be...will just have to wait and find out now...
fingers crossed.