well.... im sorry...
its been ages since ive posted.... really too long! , ive totally let this blog slide into oblivion.... i dont mean to, it just happens
of course the good news, is that a lot has happened since i last posted! when i last left you, I was working on WWZ at Cinesite, sadly that has now come to an end, but no bridges were burnt, its all part of the industry I work in, simply put, they had no work to do... so ...i left
and I am now working at Mill Film/Tv a division of "The Mill"... and I love it! , its a great place to work, very friendly, great work, and all in all, im happy things have turned out this way. Nothing bad to say against Cinsite, but being lead modeller has challenges that are tough and for 9 months I did very little modelling and a lot of scheduling! ... its great to be back modelling, and whats more texturing! have finally had the time to pick up Mari, and despite a bumpy start, its a fantastic program, I havent touched photoshop in months! Mari i like a cross between mudbox and photoshop, makes incredibly detailed textures incredibly easy! love it.
... so what have I been working on? well about 5 or 6 different things since we last spoke, and saldy i can only mention 1... the others will come soon, and hopefully i will remember to post about them, oh and i did a tiny bit of work on the new sky one series "Sinbad" ...but the big one..... the big one, i can tell you about is....
DR WHO!!!!
dr...friggin who!... was very excited when i found that out, its a real cult icon of a show! ... I've worked on two episode this season and a bunch of characters... first up airing this saturday on an episode entitled "dinosaurs on a spaceship"...well there are some dinosaurs, wont go into detail, but really happy with how it came out, got to model, sculpt, texture a few beasties.... its a cracking episode!
the other ep i worked on, sadly i cant talk about, but its really big and im super excited about it!
anyway, will endevour to appear here more, have loads of projects on the go with swifty scooters, trained monkey, more tutorials, a ninja turtle and 3D artist magazine! so stay tuned! please!
(oh and those images above....sadly not my dinosaur..... its another one!)