Apparently....according to Brad Pitt, WWZ is going to be a series of films, a trilogy no less. It seems this is the trendy thing to do these days, announce that the film your working on is one of many, does this create hype? buzz? I'm not sure it does, i mean look what happened witht he Golden Compass! That film was based off a trilogy of books, the trailers made mention of the series as a trilogy and then just before the film came out, it was edited to be one stand alone film with a very loose ending, just in case.... I think you have to be supremely confident in the quality of your film to announce its going to be a Trilogy or else your gonna look like an idiot! But hey, its far more likely that its just a marketing ploy to drum up interest in the film.
Sooooo, what does this mean for the VFX? well very little is my honest answer, I have worked on franchsied filmed before and it very rarely stays with the same company, with the odd exception of something like Transformers and Star wars, which has always been done by ILM. Harry Potter, Narnia, the Batman films, all done by different post houses, and why? because they out bid each other, maybe the VFX looks good, but perhaps the working relationship between the VFX house and the production broke down? who knows, but more often that not, a new film means you go back to the drawing board on the VFX! nothing is secure in post production and the simple development in software means that in as little 2 years, a company that handle 80/90 percent of the VFX in one film may not get any in its sequel.
anyway, here is the origional article from which these thoughts stem:

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