Friday 21 January 2011

plans for the future

I recently discovered the work of Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura, he's a concept artist from brazil, and I really love his work! Manuel was kind enough to send me some copies of his artwork, simply because i liked it that much. one of his drawings in particular immediately had me thinking how cool it would be to model in 3d.

Its his take on the ninja turtles, I've always been a fan on donatello myself (everyone has their favourite right?) but his drawings of michelangelo had so much character that I instantly wanted to make him in maya! shame he hasnt drawn a Don, yet, but maybe in the future I hope?

here are the designs for the other three turtles:

you can see more of Manuel's work at cghub here:

he also has a fantastic series of Street Fighter zombies!

check it out!

Monday 10 January 2011

new tutorial character

Hello all, so thought i would give you a sneaky peak at a character im modelling for both a new tutorial series and also a short im working on!

The tutorial is a 12 part series, on full character modelling, its pretty basic, but i think it should help aspiring young modellers! :)

let me know what you think
